Fear not readers, I will not be referring to any mediocre, tug at my gag-reflex, movies based on mildly true events. No, no. That's not what we do here. The pursuit I'm currently embarking on is much less emotional, and much more important. After 10 years of wearing contact lenses day in and day out to avoid leaving my apartment in my geeky spectacles, I have made the decision to grow up and get a new pair that I would be proud to flaunt to the general public. But I need help. There are so many choices, so many shapes, and sizes. A friend of mine turned me on to a great
website to start my search and I'm sure I'll be up til 4am surfing. My most shocking revelation of the evening? The idea of a cheeky pair of (slightly) cat-eyed specs...is rapidly growing on me. What do YOU think?? Suggestions are invited people.
Below... Proof positive that "guys [certainly do] make passes on [babes] in glasses."
But really... here are some of the styles I've been considering...
So let me know what you think, I'm in serious need of assistance!